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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Another Trip to The Doctor

I woke up feeling better today.
When I went to see my OB we discussed alternatives to medication.
I'm to continue on the nephedipine and use Reglan for nausea and vomiting.
Some suggested antidotes that may be helpful:
1. Put my hands in hot water or take a hot shower at the very onset of signs of my migraine
2. Wear sunglasses
3. Wear a hat with a brim
4. No caffeine
5. Stay out of direct sunlight
6. Warm or cold cloth on head

The doctor said he would prefer that I didn't take any medication, but if I had to it, it would be okay. He said he would prefer that I try other remedies and get pain shots as needed. I would rather take the nephedipine daily and then use what I can on an as needed basis.

I was hopeful when I left from my visit. I hadn't had a migraine since Saturday morning.

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