Seven Years Old....Already!! Trying on clothes for 2nd grade already!

Seven Years Old....Already!! Trying on clothes for 2nd grade already!
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Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Baby Girls Are In My Arms!!

Baby A on the left is Ally Rae

Baby B on the right is Baily Jae

(I was supposed to be named Kiely, but that's a different story. You can read all about that at the end of my birth story if you are curious.)

My story began with going to the hospital on January 21st expecting to be induced around 8 a.m., instead I was informed at 9 a.m. that I had been scheduled for a c-section at 2 p.m. that afternoon. What?!! I started crying once the doctor began explaining the reason she and her colleagues came to that conclusion. Here's the factors that swayed them; risk of pre-eclampsia, group b strep, 2 vessel cord, 1 placenta, and my weight. With all these factors they didn't want to risk having to have an emergency c-section after delivering Baby A because the medication may not take affect as fast as they may need it to. I cried and cried. I didn't want a c-section, I was so afraid that was going to happen! That was my worse fear about delivering twins. By mid-day I realized that my worse fear was becoming a reality. I accepted my fate and started preparing myself mentally for what was to happen just a couple of hours away. At that time my nurse came in and told me I had been bumped to 4 p.m......what?!! Great more time to stew over this c-section. I was a little heartbroken that I was not going to be able to deliver my babies vaginally, but I realized it was for their safety along with my own.

By 4 p.m. I was prepped for surgery and administered a spinal. I lay on the operating table in anticipation of what was to come. My nerves were being calmed and I was feeling excitement over the fact that I would see my babies soon. The moment I heard Baby A cry, shortly after Baby B entered the world with a loud roaring cry. She was the bigger of the two, weighing in at 6 pounds 3 ounces and 18 and 3/4 inches long. Baby A weighed in at 5 pounds 10 ounces and 18 inches long. They didn't need any oxygen and were taken straight to NICU for all the testing that was needed. They needed to be warmed up, so they were under the heat lamps while tests were being run. It's taking Baby A a little longer to get her coloring than Baby B is. They were hardly wrinkled at all and of course they are beautiful.

I was so against having a c-section, I wanted to fight the doctors on that one, but I decided to let it go and trust that they knew what was best for all of us. I'm so grateful now that I had a c-section because unbeknownst to all of us, Baby A had the cord wrapped around her neck twice. I don't even want to think what could have happened had I insisted on trying to give birth vaginally. I know things work out for a reason, now I know what that reason was. I am so happy to have two healthy baby girls.

On the issue of one placenta, after about 30 weeks it was assumed the babies were mono/di so this was of deep concern for my doctors and OB. The babies were typed for blood and the placenta has been taken to the lab. When my OB came in to see me after the birth, he said they should have results on the placenta by my first appointment with him. So, we may know soon if they are identical or fraternal. One of the nurses that observed the c-section said they were definitely in two sacs, but that the placenta looked like it could be two. We shall see soon enough.

All in all the surgery went well, I'm tired though and it hurts to get up and walk, but I know I have to do it for my health. I've already lost at least 25 pounds since yesterday...imagine that!!

It looks like if all goes well, I will be able to go home this Saturday and my babies will be coming home with me. Yay!!

The next chapter of my life with twins has now begun. Let it be joyous!!

Name Story...
Everyone said Baby A should be Ally (because of the A). My brother said Baby B needs a B name and suggested Baily. One reason is that her Daddy was having a hard time pronouncing Kiely for some reason and didn't really like it that much anyway. I figured I should at least let him have one name since I came up with first and middle names and didn't want to budge on the names. The only thing is, Ally was a definite for me and Kiely was an okay. I had told him a few months ago that if he came up with a name that I liked also that I would consider using it. This morning I told him he could go ahead and choose between the name Kiely and Baily. Of course he went with Baily. My brother is his boss, but I don't think that had anything to do with his decision though. It sure made my brother's day, not only was he happy we chose the name Baily, but her middle name is Jae (which both of my brother's names begin with a J) but this brother's name is Jason and he's called Jay by some. In case you are wondering why I'm spelling Baby B's name Baily and not Bailey is because I wanted all my girls names to end in "ly", just a little FYI.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thank you so much for all your thoughtful comments

Thank you everyone for all your thoughtful and wonderful comments, I appreciate them deeply. I will be back as soon as possible to convey my birth story.

Today I will see my OB to discuss the actual day for my babies birth. It couldn't come soon enough for me. I know the longer they stay put the better it is for them, except for the looming threat of pre-eclampsia. With that said my OB feels it will be better for our babies on the outside rather than inside. I'm having a hard time with choosing the dates for their birth. I will be able to choose from January 21st or January 24th. Putting all the health issues aside, this may sound a little strange, but I have an issue with numbers and/or dates...I really want them born on an even day, so I would have to go with the 24th. I'm going to have to let this decision be made by my OB and I think he may say the 21st, so I'll just have to deal with it. I know it isn't important, it's just a little quirkiness I have I guess. My son's birthday is on the 16th, my daughter's birthday is on the 18th (different months of course)...wouldn't it have been fit into my little quirkiness if these two little girls would be born today on the 20th??!! But as the day unfolds, it looks like this may not happen unless these little ones hurry up and get a move on. I've still been having diarrhea and nausea, oh and lots of mucus (sorry about the TMI). The other night I heard a pop and had some fluid come out, so I was a little concerned it may have been my water. I went to Labor and Delivery and they ran a test to see if they could detect amniotic fluid, but it came back negative...hmmm! Anyway, the doctor used a speculum to extract a sample and she told me I may have some bleeding after that. I did when I went to the rest room before I left the hospital and then a couple of drops on my pad later on. Now, beginning two days after that exam the mucus that's been coming out has been pink or blood tinged. So, I can't tell if it's from the exam or if it's my bloody show. (I'm really sorry for all the TMI.) I'm not getting any other signs that labor is real immanent, except for the signs I mentioned above. I'm praying for a vaginal birth, and expecting it to happen as long as Baby B co-operates!! Stay head down Baby B!! Just follow your Big Sister on out!!

Thank you all so much again for the comments and for reading all my little posts and some not so little. Until I can come back and write my identical twin girls birth story, know I appreciate all your thoughtfulness.

One last belly bump picture.....

Bye-Bye Twin Baby Bump!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

A Birth Day Is Near!!

I received a call from my OB yesterday and he said he spoke with the high risk OB that handled my preterm labor in San Francisco and he gave the go ahead for an induction (they are both still head down, yay!). My OB said there is an opening in Labor and Delivery on January 24th, but he was going to see if he can get me in on January 20th or 21st. Wow!! I'm a bit in shock about that piece of news, but I'm excited to know I'll be holding my twin babies real soon. The reason for the induction is my OB is still really concerned I may develop pre-eclampsia and he wants to avert it if possible in any way. He feels good about delivering next week since I will be over 36 weeks, if I make it until then. I am losing good amounts of mucus daily and I'm still having period cramping along with vomiting and diarrhea. I can't wait until all that is done with! Hopefully the next post will be my birth story post. Wish me luck!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Baby Shower

Okay, I know we waited until my 35th week, but it was worth it. However, I was tired when it was all over. The shower was wonderful. The babies received a lot of clothes. I realized a few days before my shower I didn't really have much for them, now I do! All the outfits are sooooo cute, I'm having a hard time deciding which one to bring them home in. Oh and the oh so sooooooft blankets, they are so cute. Everything I received were matching sets basically and almost everything is in pink or pink and brown. Pink and brown was the color scheme at the shower, it was so cute. The table was set up so cute. My Mom and my sister-in-law threw the shower for me and they did a great job.....thanks Mom and Sheila!!! I appreciate it more than you know.

We only played a few games, but they were really fun. One game was pair the socks, the guests had to pair as many socks as they could within 15 seconds (all different styles and colors). The second game was "what's in the bag", there were three brown paper bags filled with baby items. Each guest would feel the bags to try and guess what was in each bag (10 seconds per bag). That was fun, but it was harder than I thought it would be. Each of the winners won two $5 gift cards to Starbucks (the theme was two of course, so everything had to have two). The last game was the memory game. This was a big hit with all the guests, they all had so much fun playing it. The prizes for this game were the matching candy bars, each guest that got a match received two candy bars. There were 54 pieces of candy given out since there were 27 items to match on the board. We played this game at my cousins baby shower last year and I wanted to do it at mine, so my Mom made the board with the cards that cover the sayings. The board was laminated and so were the cards, then she put velcro on the back of each card and on the board where each card would go to hide the saying or word. It was a lot of fun.
And my cakes (two each of course)!! We found a picture of a cake online and my sister-in-law had a local woman make them, they turned out really cute. My Mom came up with the saying to put on the cakes....the first cake read, Two..... and the second cake read, Too Cute! They were so cute, they were little baby butts sticking up with their little feet and legs curled up. Of course I want to share some pictures with all of you, I hope you enjoy them.

I can't believe I've reached and past almost every milestone, but two. I still need to make it to at least 36 weeks and the last but not least milestone of birth to my sweet little twin baby girls!! That will be a joyous occasion.....then the real work begins!! I've been having contractions all week and losing mucus. And let me tell you about the diarrhea, I don't know if it will ever stop (sorry about the TMI), I might as well spend all day just sitting on the toilet. All of this accompanied by period cramps. Isn't it wonderful being a woman. With all that said......I wouldn't have it any other way!!

I have to tell you about the cutest ultrasound I had during my last NST. The babies are both head down still and they right next to each other. It was so cute, we could see their heads and then it looked like they were holding hands. My Mom said, one baby is probably telling the other one, "We can do it, come on we'll do it together"! It was so cute, I hope they are close with each other as they age. I'm sure there will be days when they can't stand being around each other, but I'm hoping those days will be few and far between. I am so ready to live those days!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

35 Weeks....Wow so close!!

I can't believe I'm getting so close to holding these sweet little baby girls. At my last NST, two days ago, I was having irregular contractions and I was dilated to about 3 cm. The doctor said once I felt I was in labor I should come on in and not to take my time about it. Hmmm......not to worry I'll be there ASAP once I'm for sure it's labor. At least now I won't be sent to a different hospital when I do go into labor, I'm really glad about that. I didn't want to have to go to San Francisco to have my babies, it would have been a little trip on a daily basis for us.

Monday, January 5, 2009

34 Weeks!!!

I'm so grateful we made it through the preterm labor last week and are trying to make it to full term. I haven't been feeling any contractions since they were able to stop them. I am still losing my mucus plug, it's been happening about every other day, so let's hope we make it past 35 weeks at least. I was taken off my nephedipine when I was hospitalized with the preterm labor and today I had a migraine, so I'm hoping this will just be an isolated incidence. At least I know it will be over soon since I have less than four weeks to make it to the maximum weeks my OB has given me. I have a feeling I won't be making it that far. I'm just hoping they stay put for at least another week. All of a sudden I'm starting to realize I will be bringing two babies home. How will I ever manage with two other children? Feeding two babies, changing two babies, put two babies down for naps, get two babies to sleep at night, carry two babies to the car, etc, etc, etc!!! All this and more with two other small children. Then I think, with Daddy's help and Grandma we will do okay. Thank Goodness for all the help they have and will be giving me!

I feel really blessed to be among the few women who carry twins. Even with all the aches and pains, it's still a wonderful experience and I'm so happy it happened to me. I never in my wildest dreams thought I would ever get pregnant with twins, let alone identical twins, more specifically; identical twin girls. I can't wait to be able to say, I'm a Mom of twins, I'm raising twins, I gave birth to twins, I have twins, I have twin girls, I have identical twin girls, yes they're identical, yes I can tell them apart (eventually), etc, etc, etc!!!!

Just a word to all you Mother's of twins and multiples, and Mother's of multiple, multiples....I don't know you personally, but I do admire you. To be able to handle all that is

Thursday, January 1, 2009

First stay in the hospital

Well, it finally happened!!! I went to my OB appointment on Wednesday morning and he told me to go and do my NST right after I finished my appointment. He's always concerned that I'm working up to pre-eclampsia and wants to stay on top of monitoring me. My NST was scheduled for 4 that afternoon, but he didn't want me to wait. Once I got settled in and all checked out I was told I was in labor (I wasn't feeling the contractions) and I had dilated to 2 cm. Needless to say, I spent most of the afternoon in labor and delivery. During my stay I was given a steroid shot in case I deliver the babies pre-term. I also took the FFN test and it came back positive, which indicates I will be delivering within two weeks, but I've read they aren't as accurate with twin/mulitple pregnancies, we'll see. By late afternoon they informed me they were sending me to a hospital 45 miles away in case I was in pre-term labor (my local hospital isn't equipped to take care of preemies). Well, by 6:30 p.m. that evening I was on my way via ambulance to the other hospital. Of course once I got there I was hooked up so they could monitor the babies heartbeats, my heartbeat, and my contractions. Everything was great but I was still having contractions. I was administered an I V by a nurse that I wish I didn't have. She wasn't very gentle when it came to needles. I was given a magnesium drip. I was told I would be in the hospital until they could administer the second steroid shot. When I was checked around 10 p.m. my cervix had dilated to 3 and the contractions had not stopped. When I was checked around 4 a.m. my contractions were still happening and my cervix had dilated to 4. I stayed on the magnesium drip all morning and it helped the contractions stop, by early afternoon they had stopped totally. Around 2 p.m. I got real sick, I couldn't focus or walk, I began throwing up so they stopped the magnesium for a couple of hours. By the time they decided to start the drip again (at a lower dose), I was feeling better, but then I started feeling back labor pains, but that stopped by early evening. The only thing that happened after that was when I went to the bathroom and wiped I noticed I had lost some of my mucus plus. (Sorry about the TMI)

Two days later I'm still in the hospital. I was taken off the magnesium drip and I was told they will monitor me until tomorrow morning. The doctor checked my cervix and there was no change, I was still dilated to 4, and I wasn't having any contractions. She told me if I was the same by tomorrow morning I would possibly send me home. I did have another large amount of mucus loss late in the afternoon, but I was told it could regenerate itself. I'm hoping I'm able to go home. I'll know more by tomorrow morning.

I'm hoping my babies will cook for at least 2 more weeks. But, I have a feeling I may not make it that long. My body is so tired and sore. I will do what I can not to deliver before 36 weeks if possible.

Just a little rant about the nurse who isn't good with needles:
When she put the IV in it hurt bad. I have a high threshold for pain, but that hurt! That wasn't though. When she had to take blood from me she couldn't find a vain and she said her eyesight wasn't that good so she would have to get someone to come and see if they could find a site. She was at least in her mid 50's and I know how the eyes are at that age, my Mom is in her early 50's and I know what problems she has with her eyes. Anyway, she decided to look a little more when my sister-in-law pointed and said that looks like a good vain. The nurse looked and said I'm not sure if I can do it there but I'll try. It was on the outside of my hand where the skin is thick and tough. She pushed the needle in until it almost came through the skin on the top of my hand. I pulled my hand away and told her it hurt, but she just pulled my hand back and told my not to move. She wasn't even in a vain, the needle was in my hand. It hurt so bad I started crying and then she decided to go and have another nurse come in to try and get blood from me, she had no problem getting blood from the inside of my elbow. I didn't even feel the needle go in. I pray I don't ever have that nurse again.

Lane Bryant

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