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Friday, January 16, 2009

A Birth Day Is Near!!

I received a call from my OB yesterday and he said he spoke with the high risk OB that handled my preterm labor in San Francisco and he gave the go ahead for an induction (they are both still head down, yay!). My OB said there is an opening in Labor and Delivery on January 24th, but he was going to see if he can get me in on January 20th or 21st. Wow!! I'm a bit in shock about that piece of news, but I'm excited to know I'll be holding my twin babies real soon. The reason for the induction is my OB is still really concerned I may develop pre-eclampsia and he wants to avert it if possible in any way. He feels good about delivering next week since I will be over 36 weeks, if I make it until then. I am losing good amounts of mucus daily and I'm still having period cramping along with vomiting and diarrhea. I can't wait until all that is done with! Hopefully the next post will be my birth story post. Wish me luck!!


Angel Leigh said...


Wow thats so soon.So very excitting.

Sorry to hear about the vomiting. I've had the diarahea (sorry bout spelling) every day this week but no vomiting.

I'm very excitted for you. Only a few days to go.


Mommy Rader said...

Exciting!!!!! I will be looking forward to your next few posts =) GL!

danamarie said...

Good luck to you and babies! That is so made your mark!! Can't wait to see pics!!

Twinsmom said...

Here's hoping you are in the hospital right now! With my first, I felt like I had the flu. I didn't realize I was in labor until I was 5 cm. That vomitting might not be such a bad thing! E-mail if you need anything even if it seems like a silly question.
May your labor go swiftly and safely!

Lane Bryant

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