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Sunday, November 30, 2008

29 Weeks

I'm getting closer to the 30's. One more week, I can't wait. I've started to feel pain in my upper uterus, and boy does that hurt, it's so hard to get comfortable. I have to eat small amounts at a time so it won't hurt as bad. These little girls still have to grow a few more inches and pounds before they are ready to meet this world. My poor uterus!!! Thank goodness I only have a few weeks left, at least no more than 11 at the most. I belong to Kaiser and the way my OB talks it that I may have the babies before 36 weeks, so I'm not sure if they will let me go beyond that point or not. He also said that they don't deliver in their/my Kaiser before 35 weeks, so I have to make it that far if I want to be able to deliver there. Otherwise I will have to go to San Francisco Kaiser. I'm hoping I/we make it past 35 weeks, I don't want to have to drive an hour away, who knows what could happen in that hours time. I guess our local Kaiser isn't set up for babies that are that premature.

My last ultrasound with my OB a few days ago showed both babies are still head down. I'm hoping they stay that way, I'll see on Tuesday when I see my OB again. I've got my fingers crossed.

I have my genetics appointment on the 9th of this month. I'll be over 30 weeks at that time. I love these small milestones that I have to reach and get past, it helps my pregnancy to go faster. So far the weeks seem to be flying by. My due date isn't until February 14/15, it seems so far away, but so close. I still have to go through December and January to get there, I know it's better to have the babies stay in as long as possible, but I can't wait until the time gets here.


danamarie said...

Glad that things are going well for you. I remember thinkking when i was pregnant with my twins that the time could not come sooner. I delivered at 35 weeks and the hospital i deliverd at was not set up for premature babies eaiter. We got lucky that they were ok and did not need it. Good luck...I ready your blog everyday and the things you say bring me back to my preganancy with my twins and now i am 23 weeks with baby number 4 so much different then 2 in there!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on making it to 29 weeks! Not too much longer! Things didn't really get too uncomfortable for me (with twins) until week 36. I remember though (TMI) that my son (Breech low) was on my bladder but my daughter (transverse or head down) was up in my ribs. So, my son made me need to pee, but my daughter made it difficult to wipe!
I hope the last few months go by smooth! Can't wait to read more updates!

Dani Merced said...

I hated not knowing which hospital I was going to deliver at. And planning to possibly deliver far from home is a pain. Don't worry, you're doing a great job! Keep 'em cookin!

Anonymous said...

Hey, are you a member of twinstuff? Oh, and you're tagged on my blog! Check it out!

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