Seven Years Old....Already!! Trying on clothes for 2nd grade already!

Seven Years Old....Already!! Trying on clothes for 2nd grade already!
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Sunday, November 2, 2008

25 Weeks

I can't believe I'm at 25 weeks with only 15 weeks left at the most. This week has been uneventful except for the good news about the two vessel cord. I'm so happy my OB told me that all the ultrasound reports state that both baby girls have three vessel umbilical cords. I did make a trip to Labor and Delivery because I was having a pushing pressure on my cervix all day so by the end of the day I decided to go in and have it checked out. I was monitored for awhile, but they couldn't get their heartbeats so they did an ultrasound to check them and all was fine. The doctor also checked my cervix and all was good with us. They sent us home and told me to take it easy for the next day or so and then I could return to normal activities. This happened on Halloween, so my kids Auntie took them to her place to go and trick-or-trick. At least they had a good time that night. Next Halloween will be better.

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