Seven Years Old....Already!! Trying on clothes for 2nd grade already!

Seven Years Old....Already!! Trying on clothes for 2nd grade already!
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Sunday, November 30, 2008

29 Weeks

I'm getting closer to the 30's. One more week, I can't wait. I've started to feel pain in my upper uterus, and boy does that hurt, it's so hard to get comfortable. I have to eat small amounts at a time so it won't hurt as bad. These little girls still have to grow a few more inches and pounds before they are ready to meet this world. My poor uterus!!! Thank goodness I only have a few weeks left, at least no more than 11 at the most. I belong to Kaiser and the way my OB talks it that I may have the babies before 36 weeks, so I'm not sure if they will let me go beyond that point or not. He also said that they don't deliver in their/my Kaiser before 35 weeks, so I have to make it that far if I want to be able to deliver there. Otherwise I will have to go to San Francisco Kaiser. I'm hoping I/we make it past 35 weeks, I don't want to have to drive an hour away, who knows what could happen in that hours time. I guess our local Kaiser isn't set up for babies that are that premature.

My last ultrasound with my OB a few days ago showed both babies are still head down. I'm hoping they stay that way, I'll see on Tuesday when I see my OB again. I've got my fingers crossed.

I have my genetics appointment on the 9th of this month. I'll be over 30 weeks at that time. I love these small milestones that I have to reach and get past, it helps my pregnancy to go faster. So far the weeks seem to be flying by. My due date isn't until February 14/15, it seems so far away, but so close. I still have to go through December and January to get there, I know it's better to have the babies stay in as long as possible, but I can't wait until the time gets here.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

28 weeks...and back to having a two vessel cord!

We're moving closer to that magical 36 weeks, eight weeks to go. I'm happy to know I have under 12 weeks. After my last ultrasound and OB visits, I received a call from my OB telling me I passed my 3 hour glucose test, but I'm anemic and need to take more iron...I can do that. Then he went on to tell me that he has done some research on the two vessel cord that Baby A has. I have been referred to the Genetics Department for further testing. Also, everything looks good on my last ultrasound report. My OB also mentioned that it could be a possibility that I may have to have -a c-section because of the two vessel cord. I've done some research on this, I think there can be some complications during childbirth with the two vessel cord. I'm still holding out for a vaginal birth.

On Thursday I received a call from the Genetics Department at Kaiser and they set me up with an appointment for December 9th with specialist in San Francisco so they can do a more detailed ultrasound on Baby A. They assured me that it doesn't have anything to do with down syndrome. I'm praying that's the case, they are more concerned with her kidneys than anything it seems. So far all the ultrasound reports have been in her favor, but they want to check her over.

At my last ultrasound Baby A is measuring at 27 weeks, 3 days (right on target) and Baby B is measuring ahead at 28 weeks. So, the sonographer said that's a good sign since Baby A is growing on target. Baby B is just a little pork-er. Hopefully it isn't a sign that Baby A is going to fall behind, but I guess as long as she is measuring on target, then she's growing as she should.

My next OB appointment will be this week so I'm sure he will be discussing the ultrasound and if I will be having other tests.

I'm just not sure what to think about this whole situation about how the two vessel cord report came out. I know I've posted about it before, but it bothers me that someone dropped the ball. This information should have come out at my 19 week ultrasound when it was found. I'm not sure if my OB didn't see it or if it wasn't reported to him until later. The sonographer at my 19 week ultrasound was in such a hurry I don't know if she left it out of her report until later or if my OB missed it in the report. At my 24 week ultrasound is when I was told anything about a two vessel cord and then after it was mentioned the sonographer told me it was up to my doctor to discuss it with me. I'm not sure if anything is seriously wrong with Baby A, but if there is, then earlier detection would have been better it seems. At this point all we can do is pray. I'm trying not to worry, at least not until we see the specialists.

Ultrasound update:
At my last ultrasound (at 27 weeks) Baby A is measuring 27 weeks, 3 days and weighs 2pounds, 3 ounces. Baby B is measuring 28 weeks and weighs 2 pounds, 11 ounces.
I asked the sonographer if she could tell if the girls are identical. She looked at how the membrane entered into the placenta and she said it looks like they are identical, as it didn't show the lambda sign, it has the T-sign.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

27 Weeks....Third Trimester!

I suppose this is considered the beginning of my third trimester. Whatever it is, it feels good to make it to 27 weeks. I haven't had any problems to complain about yet. I did have some major swelling in my ankles and legs, but when I woke up the next day, the swelling was down. I am swelling almost on a daily basis, just that one day it was really bad. It is getting harder to walk, especially after I sit for awhile and then get up. My feet hurt so bad when I walk. I'm still tired a lot and I'm always hunger still. I also exhaust very easily.

At my last OB appointment, he told me if Baby A's head is down but Baby B's is not, then I will be looking at a c-section. They were both head down when he took a look on the ultrasound machine. I know it's a little too early to hope they will stay this way. Unfortunately, the have the time and the room to move. He also told me he considers 36 weeks to be full term and if I started labor around 34 weeks, he wouldn't stop it. But, he did say our goal is 36 weeks. With that said, that would mean my babies will be here sometime at the beginning or middle of January. It seems to far away, but it really isn't, it's less than 8 weeks. Wow, I want to have them already because I am in pain, but they need to cook longer. I know the time will come....eventually!

Friday, November 14, 2008

OB Visit.....strange information

Everything went well at my OB visit. The babies looked good, and my OB told me they are growing at the same rate, which is good. At the end of my visit he took me into his office and told me he saw on my ultrasound reports that a 2 vessel cord was mentioned. I asked him what it meant and he said it could be that the third vessel just wasn't seen. Anyway, I have another ultrasound next week, so I'm hoping they will be able to settle this once and for all. All measurements of the baby involved are good, organs etc. I'm praying all is well. Of course I've read so much online and it really is upsetting....I need to stop the searching on that subject and trust my OB. I'm glad I'm informed though and I will have a few more questions for him at my next visit. Even if she only has two vessels, I don't think anything is wrong with her since there are no other indications of abnormalities or defects (so far). I'll watch the ultrasounds much closer now. One of the main things that has scared me, is the stillborn issue associated with 2 vessel cords. That will be one of the questions I ask my OB next visit.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

26 Weeks

Last week went by so fast I can hardly remember it. Yeah, it was that eventful. I know I've been having migraines though. I'm just happy that I'm not feeling the full effects. I've been having the hangover headaches that come after a migraine. At least something is working to stop them. I'm so happy about that. If I had to go through my whole pregnancy having migraines, I would be more miserable than I already am. I know I could have more problems as I progress, but at least I know there will be an end in site, we can't stay pregnant forever.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

25 Weeks

I can't believe I'm at 25 weeks with only 15 weeks left at the most. This week has been uneventful except for the good news about the two vessel cord. I'm so happy my OB told me that all the ultrasound reports state that both baby girls have three vessel umbilical cords. I did make a trip to Labor and Delivery because I was having a pushing pressure on my cervix all day so by the end of the day I decided to go in and have it checked out. I was monitored for awhile, but they couldn't get their heartbeats so they did an ultrasound to check them and all was fine. The doctor also checked my cervix and all was good with us. They sent us home and told me to take it easy for the next day or so and then I could return to normal activities. This happened on Halloween, so my kids Auntie took them to her place to go and trick-or-trick. At least they had a good time that night. Next Halloween will be better.

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