Seven Years Old....Already!! Trying on clothes for 2nd grade already!

Seven Years Old....Already!! Trying on clothes for 2nd grade already!
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Monday, August 10, 2015

Kindergarten Went By Way Too Fast!!


The girls were in Kindergarten last year and it seemed to fly by. They were in the same class and did very well together except for the occasional times when one would get into trouble and the other would follow right down the same path but otherwise they did good. I had the choice to have them in the same class for kindergarten and decided to do that. At their school you have to request they be placed in the same classroom and then it goes to a board and they decide if it's in the students best interest.
Our state does not have the "Twin Law" as of yet, as least I'm not aware of it. They've always been independent of one another and able to play separately with other kids. They don't depend on each other, not that they aren't close because they are. It could be because they have older siblings to play with....just a thought, at least for our situation.

1 comment: said...

I just wonder what the Twin Law will be about. I've twins as well, they are 14 already and so naughty! I can't stand the calls from the class teacher any more, so I'm thinking about making them study separately.
Jessica Ment

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