Seven Years Old....Already!! Trying on clothes for 2nd grade already!

Seven Years Old....Already!! Trying on clothes for 2nd grade already!
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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Poem Written For Me By My Mother.....

With Love To My Daughter Who's Been Doubly Blessed
(and to all Mother's who have been blessed with twins)

Two Times Blessed

Two little hands
Two little feet
As a new Mother she will greet

Hugs and kisses she will have galore
For now her heart will greet one more

Two little hands
Two little feet
Two little hearts make a joyous beat

As you can see, she's been doubly blessed
For she will have two babies to hold close to her chest

To those who may say, you got your hands full
She will reply so calm and so cool....

Four little hands
Four little feet
Two little hearts make my life complete!


Thank you Mom!

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