My parents took us all to Disneyland for a family vacation. It was great. We all went except for my sisters husband and their 2 teen aged boys (we missed them). All together nine of their eleven grandchildren were there, seven of them under 7 years old and the other two are 11 and 13. It was so hard keeping our eyes on all of them. At least 3 of them were young enough to keep in strollers, the other four kept trying to wonder off, but we managed to leave with the same amount of children we went with! It was a wonderful vacation all in all. One of my nieces is 7 weeks older than our twins so we dressed them all alike and of course we got the "are they triplets" question asked a few times. Thank Goodness for Grandparents otherwise we may not have been able to ride on any of the rides or see some of the exhibits. If I wouldn't have been so far from home or gone for as many days as we were, I would have left the babies with relatives. I just couldn't bring myself to be away from them for that long. It really wasn't that bad having them there, everyone helped watch each others children, even my brother and sister-in-law who don't have nor do they want children. They love their nieces and nephews and they love them!
Your kids are georgeous, and you are a brave woman. Just thinking about going on vacation with twin babies gives me a headache. I have boy/girl twins (18 months) and the furthest we've gone is about 5 hours in the car driving, and even that takes a toll on us. You're a strong woman.
Thanks Andrea, but I have to say the compliment should go to my Mom and sister. I played it smart I think...they drove in my van with the babies, my two older kids and my sister's daughter. We left at 3 p.m. and didn't get into our hotel room until after 1 a.m. the next morning. I rode with my sister-in-law in her car.
The only bad thing that happened was with Baily. Traveling and feeding babies is hard, so I think she sucked a lot of air while eating. When we got to the hotel she kept crying and crying for some reason. My Mom finally had enough and said "I don't care if it's not the 'thing to do' these days, I'm going to try a sugar tit on that poor little baby." Within 10 minutes of sucking on that thing she was out!!! I have to say I was impressed that it worked. My Mom said she used it on us and it always helped. Don't ask me why it works, but it does, or at least it did that time. She said she only used it when it was absolutely necessary to calm a gassy stomach. I won't hesitate to use it again.
Thanks again!
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