Photo 2.......Baily
Photo 3.......Daddy, Ally, Moe, Emi and Baily
Photo 4.......Ally and Baily (hmmm reminds me of when I was carrying them, except Baily was on the top)
Photo 5......Ally and Baily talking to Grandpa on the phone (talking on the phone already, what am I in for?!!)
I can't believe they are getting so big already. They both are rolling over, they both jabber up a storm (that's where the phone comes into play), they kind of sit up, they are eating cereal at least once a day and they sleep more hours at night.
Now with summer here we are spending a lot of time at the pool, so hopefully the babies will be real comfortable in the water. My son took to the water really well, it only took him two days at the pool before he was jumping in and putting his head under water, now less than two weeks he's already swimming under water. My older daughter does well, but she is afraid to put her head under the water yet. She'll get there though.

We already bought them walkers since they like to stand, while being held of course. The only problem is, they are way too short to touch the floor and the walkers can't be lowered any more. They will probably be walking by the time they can reach the floor in the walkers. Oh well, they do like to sit in them anyway and we can feed them in there also if we want to.
Soon we will have to shop for gates since we have stairs! It won't be long before they will be mobile.