Three visits to the doctor's office in one week for Baily. I think she'll be okay now.
The other day my Mother and I took the babies to the mall along with big brother.
We stopped to get a drink and big brother was holding Baily's hand and she was twisting
herself lose and trying to drop to the floor. My Mom told him not to let go of her arm and
to help her drop herself to the floor so she wouldn't hit her head on the floor. Well when she
got up she complained about her arm hurting. By the time we put her in the car she couldn't
move her arm without crying in pain. I rushed her to the hospital and it seems she had pulled
her little elbow out of place and the doctor had to pull it back into place. She felt so much better
right away. She was playing like normal after that.
All was well, until yesterday. My Mom and I took the girls to Baskin Robbins and my Mom was holding the babies hands when Baily tried to free herself. She pulled and twisted around and tried to drop herself to the floor, in doing so my Mom could feel popping in Baily's wrist. Of course my Mom didn't want to just let go because she was afraid Baily would hurt herself. She tried to help her drop to the floor, but her wrist pulled anyway. I took her right in to see the
doctor and sure enough, she pulled her wrist out of place (on the opposite arm this time). The
doctor told me it was pretty common with little ones, in fact his children had done this a few
times. He sent us home and told me to keep an eye on it and if it didn't get better, bring her back in the next day. It didn't get better, she cried and fussed most of the night. She didn't use her arm at all, she was too uncomfortable. By morning she was still babying her arm and saying owie, owie, it hurt. I took her back to see the doctor and he ordered x-rays, so we went in for
the x-rays. I had to help hold her arm and she kept pulling and twisting trying to get her arm free from me. By the time we went back to see the doctor after the x-rays (about 30 minutes), Baily was playing with her arm, at least a little bit anyway. The x-rays didn't show any fratures or breaks and it looked like she was doing okay, so again we weren't sent home and told if she is still babying her arm and not using it then bring her back in and they would do more testing.
The girls were wearing their harnesses and as we were leaving I made a comment about Baily goind back on her harness instead of holding their hands and the doctor commented back, "it could help to keep her from coming back here, they are handy little contraptions."
Just when I was feeling like all was good, I get a voicemail from the doctor and he said the radialogist felt there was something of question in the x-rays, but the doctor and consulting doctor felt that Baily would be okay. He did state that if she still shows symptoms that it isn't healed, bring her back in.
Anyway, we've determined since Baily tries to pull away from our hands, she will have to be on her harness for awhile instead of holding her hand. It's hard when your trying to old both their hands and they both start trying to pull away from you.