Ally and Baily
I can't believe my baby girls are 2 and a half months old. Where did the time go? And how did it move so fast? Before I know it they will be going to school. Wait...slow down!!!
I am so happy they are growing and developing on track. You wouldn't even know they were born four weeks early. Ally is still smaller than Baily, but I'm sure she'll catch up at some point. At times it's so hard to tell them apart, and other times I can't believe they are identical because they look so different from one another. Baily has a rounder head and Ally's is more oblong. I wonder if Ally's head will become rounder as she gains more weight? I'm sure once their hair is longer it will be harder to tell them apart because it may be hard to see the difference in the shapes of their heads. I'm so excited I have identical twins, it's so fun. I love all my children so much. I don't think they will ever realize how much love a Mother can have for her children until they have children of their own.
We had our first family outing last week. We went to the Zoo. It was the first time for the babies, of course they slept most of the day. They basically slept while they ate and they hardly woke up during their diaper changes. They are such good babies. They woke up at the end, enough for us to take some pictures with them. And then right back to sleep on the ride home. We all had a great time. Some of us are a little more achy than others, but we did good. Six hours walking around the Zoo, we were exhausted. I think everyone but the drivers fell asleep on the way home. I can't wait to do it again!!!