Baily and Ally 5 weeks old
Once I settled in at home after the pulmonary edema and the stay in ICU after the babies were born I thought I was over the worst and all I had to do is heal from the c-section........WRONG!!
After being home for a few days I developed a cough and I was having a hard time breathing so I went to the emergency room to be looked out. Well, they ran x-rays and tests and said everything was fine. The doctor suspected the medication for my heart/high blood pressure was causing me to have asthmatic side effects. He then prescribed an albuterol inhaler. I used it a few times, but it didn't seem to help. My Mother has been with me almost non-stop since before the babies were born, thank the Lord for her help. We were talking about how I felt and she said it sounded like I was having anxiety attacks. I just wasn't feeling right, I cried about everything it seems. I couldn't breath well, especially at night, I couldn't sleep, I felt bad because I couldn't take care of my babies like I should have, you name it, I was feeling it. So, I believe she was right when she said I may be having mild to moderate anxiety attacks (my Dad suffers from anxiety). The cough I had seemed to be getting worse, so finally I went to see my doctor and she took tests and I was diagnosed with walking pneumonia. Well, let me tell you.....I've just been feeling plain lousy for about two months now.
The walking pneumonia is on it's last leg it seems, so that should be gone soon, but guess who decided to show up after all this time? I've been having migraines since last week. I can't believe after all I've gone through, now migraines, again!! No!...will this ever end. I just want to feel better and enjoy my babies while they are still babies. I spent all day yesterday in bed basically. I had a migraine in the early a.m. while feeding babies. About noon I got up after sleeping through my migraine and I began to take care of the babies when I got hit by a second migraine of the day, I went back to bed until 5 p.m. and stayed up for awhile, after all it was my birthday and I didn't want to spend it in bed.
So far today is going well. I have my first follow up appointment with my OB. I'm hoping I feel better soon.