I had my OB appointment today and I asked him about the 2 vessel cord on Baby A. He took me into his office so he could read over the ultrasound reports that he has gotten so far during my pregnancy. He said that every one of the reports stated that both babies have a 3 vessel cord! Yay! So, why did the technician bring this up? If she didn't say what she did it would have saved me a lot of worry. From now on I'm not going to listen to what they have to say about the ultrasounds. I'll only listen to the doctor.
Anyway, everything looks good. I'm measuring right on target and so are the babies. It's great because I get to see them every two weeks in his office and then every four weeks in the Ultrasound Department.
I am very happy now. I'm just hurting. I've starting the kick counting and I'm spending an hour or two a day checking on the hardness/softness of my tummy. What's also great is I get a phone call from a nurse once a week, she asks me questions about how I'm feeling and she gives me advice. I love belonging to Kaiser!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
24 Weeks
I'm twenty four weeks now and I can't wait until I'm forty weeks. I feel like my tummy doubled in size this week, I'm getting huge!!! I haven't had a migraine for a week now, so I'm hoping the medication combination is working.
Nothing new to mention this week yet. I have my two week OB appointment this Wednesday, and I'm hoping all is well with my ultrasound dealing with the finding of the two vessel cord. I've been researching on the subject and it scared me so much that I decided I better not research anymore. I did read that most cases end up with no problems reported with the affected baby. I've also read the results in testing is a little biased since not all babies that were born without problems are being reported. So, I'm assuming that there is a small chance that something is wrong with my baby. I know during my last ultrasound, the babies are measuring maybe one day apart. The baby with the two vessel cord seems to have all it's organs working properly so far. Her fluid levels are good and her bladder was full. We got to see both babies during our 3D/4D Ultrasound the other day and we could see them from head to toe and all looks good. It looked like all their limbs are there. Here are a few shots from that day.

Can't wait to hold my little ladies!
Nothing new to mention this week yet. I have my two week OB appointment this Wednesday, and I'm hoping all is well with my ultrasound dealing with the finding of the two vessel cord. I've been researching on the subject and it scared me so much that I decided I better not research anymore. I did read that most cases end up with no problems reported with the affected baby. I've also read the results in testing is a little biased since not all babies that were born without problems are being reported. So, I'm assuming that there is a small chance that something is wrong with my baby. I know during my last ultrasound, the babies are measuring maybe one day apart. The baby with the two vessel cord seems to have all it's organs working properly so far. Her fluid levels are good and her bladder was full. We got to see both babies during our 3D/4D Ultrasound the other day and we could see them from head to toe and all looks good. It looked like all their limbs are there. Here are a few shots from that day.
Can't wait to hold my little ladies!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Good news.....and maybe not so good news! Baby B gender finally exposed!!
We're going back to the 3D/4D company tomorrow (I think it's today already), and I'm a little worried about going. We were there a few weeks ago and the babies looked fine, they looked healthy. I had some news today(or is it yesterday) when I went to my regular ultrasound. When I got there they seemed to be confused why I was having another ultrasound so soon. My last one was at 19-20 weeks and I'm 24 weeks now. At the last one they told me I was to be seen every 4 weeks now, so I made an appointment and that's why I was there. When we got to the room, the sonographer was a bit confused as to why I was there also, so she quickly read my file and said it was because at my last scan they didn't get the measurement for one of the baby's head. Now that I think about it, I think she was reading when I had my 19-20 week scan that it wasn't complete and I had to come back in to take a few more measurements. Well, I went in the next day for those measurements, I guess they didn't note that, oh well. Before I even laid down the sonographer asked me if anyone discussed the "two vessel cord" with me. I told her nobody has discussed any of the ultrasounds, as a matter of fact the doctor told me my last ultrasound report came back fine and that everything looked good. At that point I tried to ask her about it, but she clammed up and said that's something for the doctor to discuss with me. That sure left me feeling worried. She told me she would go ahead and measure both heads and since I was there she decided to take other measurements and take some pictures that they needed. I noticed she measured their heads, bodies, the crl, and their femurs. One measured 23 weeks, 3 days and the other one measured 23 weeks, 4 days, not a big difference at all, that's a good thing. During the ultrasound she showed us Baby A's umbilical cord and said it had only two vessels and she showed us Baby B's cord and she said it had three vessels. I'm thinking, "hmmm....that can't be good". I remember thinking, I'll find out all about the two vessel cord when I get home and look it up online. Well, now I wish I didn't know so much. It can be a sign of chromosome abnormalities, possibly Down Syndrome, or maybe even organ disease such as; heart, kidney etc. Great, now I know too much. While I was reading I remembered some things about the scan. I remember her typing Choroid Plexus Cyst and while she was looking at Baby A's pelvic area, we could see her bladder looked really full, but that could be normal. I don't know if that really matters, or if it's a sign of TTTS. Regardless of what all this means, I think I'm going to stop reading about it and talk to my OB next week at my next appointment. I'm not so sure it would be Down Syndrome at my age (25), but I guess there's always a possibility. Maybe I'm making too much out of this scan, but I can't help but worry whether Baby A will be born healthy or born with some sort of birth defect. I'm praying for her good health. I did read that Choroid Plexus Cyst's usually spontaneously dissolve before about 32 weeks, so it may not be a reliable factor for determining abnormal chromosomes. Knowledge may be power, but at this point......naivety is bliss, at least until I get some facts.
That's the reason I'm a little apprehensive about the 3D/4D ultrasound today. I'm afraid that we will see something wrong with Baby A. I did read that with a two vessel cord, a cleft palette is possible. Not that I wouldn't love my baby any less, but I would feel so bad for her. I'll let you all know how it goes.
Now for some good news. The sonographer said she would look for the gender of Baby B after she finished her measurements. We told her we were hoping she could get it since, after 4 tries it wasn't an easy task. But, once she moved the wand over the correct area, we could see right away that Baby B is a girl. I knew she had to be, because I still think they are identical. At least now I won't have to take any of the clothes back that I bought a few weeks ago.
That's the reason I'm a little apprehensive about the 3D/4D ultrasound today. I'm afraid that we will see something wrong with Baby A. I did read that with a two vessel cord, a cleft palette is possible. Not that I wouldn't love my baby any less, but I would feel so bad for her. I'll let you all know how it goes.
Now for some good news. The sonographer said she would look for the gender of Baby B after she finished her measurements. We told her we were hoping she could get it since, after 4 tries it wasn't an easy task. But, once she moved the wand over the correct area, we could see right away that Baby B is a girl. I knew she had to be, because I still think they are identical. At least now I won't have to take any of the clothes back that I bought a few weeks ago.
Monday, October 20, 2008
23 Weeks and Migraines are back!
Yes! Twenty three weeks! I am so happy time is going by so fast lately. I started having migraines on Friday and they were nonstop from then until Sunday. Finally when I couldn't get any relief from at all I went to labor and delivery. Once I arrived there I was hooked up to the fetal heart monitor. During the course of my stay I was given a dose of nephedipine, oxygen treatment, a can of coca-cola and a shot of demeral. Whatever, or which ever of the medications including the cola must have done the trick, the pain in my head was not as bad as it had been all weekend. Of course the demeral help a lot I'm sure. I don't like to take pain medication, especially while being pregnant, but I've been assured that pain killers are safe to take while pregnant. I'm hoping what brought on the migraines was the lack of nephedipine, I stopped taking it once I started taking the magnesium oxide. The doctor in labor and delivery told me to take both the magnesium and the nephedipine. So, I'm hoping it will block the migraines from coming back. Today I am so tired, but no migraines so far!!! Yay! I'm still having my hangover headaches, but that's it. I describe them as hangover, but I don't drink and I've never had a hangover, but it's what I'd imagine a hangover would feel like. Anyway, it's my migraine hangover headache. I can take those, I just can't take the migraine pain, especially when it lasts for days, one migraine after another. I just have to tell myself it will be over when the babies comes, in no more than 17 weeks.
While in labor and delivery I asked if they would be giving me an ultrasound and the nurse said probably not because the reason that brought me in wasn't related to obstetrics. I was a little bummed about that. After I was given all the medications etc., and it was almost time to go, the nurse came in wheeling an ultrasound machine. She said the doctor wanted to take a quick look because she couldn't get the heartbeats externally. The doctor checked their heartbeats and then he asked if I knew what the babies are. I told him Baby A is a girl, but Baby B is uncooperative so we haven't been able to get a good visual in the gender department. He looked around and he looked and he looked, but still nothing definite with that little one. Finally he said "see this area right here, that's what I'm looking at, I can't be 100%, but I'm thinking boy". Oh my!!! Now what? I don't mind having another boy, I would love one, but my mindset has already adjusted to two girls. I've even gone out and bought matching outfits. Which can be returned or exchanged anytime as long as I have my receipt. Maybe Baby B is going to be a modest one."I LOVE CARTER'S!" This Friday I'm scheduled for another ultrasound and Saturday I return for another session for my 3D/4D ultrasound. Hopefully one of those days we will get a 100% answer, otherwise we may just have to wait until they are born.
It's hard to think that they may be fraternal since the early ultrasounds looked like they may be identical. Either way it doesn't matter, I was just kinda set on them being identical for some reason. When I first found out I was pregnant with twins, I wanted boy/girl, but then when I was told at my 12 week ultrasound I had one placenta and there is a good possibility they may be identical; and at my 19 week ultrasound Baby A was seen as a girl, well that's when I started thinking they may be identical then. I just want to know for sure before the babies come so I can be prepared for them, gender appropriate items anyway.
Well, I better rethink those names. The one name we agree on is Ally, their Daddy doesn't really like Keily. So, it may turn out that their names will be Ally Jae and Damon Richard Wayne, we want to get both grandfathers names in there. I don't know, we still have time to think about it. At least if we knew for sure, we would have time to choose the names before they are born.
While in labor and delivery I asked if they would be giving me an ultrasound and the nurse said probably not because the reason that brought me in wasn't related to obstetrics. I was a little bummed about that. After I was given all the medications etc., and it was almost time to go, the nurse came in wheeling an ultrasound machine. She said the doctor wanted to take a quick look because she couldn't get the heartbeats externally. The doctor checked their heartbeats and then he asked if I knew what the babies are. I told him Baby A is a girl, but Baby B is uncooperative so we haven't been able to get a good visual in the gender department. He looked around and he looked and he looked, but still nothing definite with that little one. Finally he said "see this area right here, that's what I'm looking at, I can't be 100%, but I'm thinking boy". Oh my!!! Now what? I don't mind having another boy, I would love one, but my mindset has already adjusted to two girls. I've even gone out and bought matching outfits. Which can be returned or exchanged anytime as long as I have my receipt. Maybe Baby B is going to be a modest one."I LOVE CARTER'S!" This Friday I'm scheduled for another ultrasound and Saturday I return for another session for my 3D/4D ultrasound. Hopefully one of those days we will get a 100% answer, otherwise we may just have to wait until they are born.
It's hard to think that they may be fraternal since the early ultrasounds looked like they may be identical. Either way it doesn't matter, I was just kinda set on them being identical for some reason. When I first found out I was pregnant with twins, I wanted boy/girl, but then when I was told at my 12 week ultrasound I had one placenta and there is a good possibility they may be identical; and at my 19 week ultrasound Baby A was seen as a girl, well that's when I started thinking they may be identical then. I just want to know for sure before the babies come so I can be prepared for them, gender appropriate items anyway.
Well, I better rethink those names. The one name we agree on is Ally, their Daddy doesn't really like Keily. So, it may turn out that their names will be Ally Jae and Damon Richard Wayne, we want to get both grandfathers names in there. I don't know, we still have time to think about it. At least if we knew for sure, we would have time to choose the names before they are born.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
I think we have come up with baby names, at least I have!
I have come up with baby names that I like, at least so far. Anything can change until I have to name them legally. In California I think I have 7-10 days after they are born. I like these names, I'm just hoping I don't have to argue with their Daddy too much. We'll see if I get my way or not.
Anyway, this is if they are both girls, and if they are I'm not going to attach a name to them until I see them. I want to see which name fits which baby.
These are what I came up with.
1. Kiely Jae (Jae is for my brothers, their names both start with J)
Kiley Jai (not sure about the spelling of both names yet)
2. Ally Rae (Rae to stand for Reina, that's their great Grandmother's name)
Ally Rai
I'm just hoping their daddy won't fight me too much on the Rae name since it's his Grandmother's and his sister's name. I just think it Rae/Rai fits better than Reina.
(I'm hoping they are both girls, if not I have to come up with a boy name...hmmm, I can still use Ray)
I'm putting a poll up to see what everyone thinks. Don't forget to voice your opinion. Thanks
Anyway, this is if they are both girls, and if they are I'm not going to attach a name to them until I see them. I want to see which name fits which baby.
These are what I came up with.
1. Kiely Jae (Jae is for my brothers, their names both start with J)
Kiley Jai (not sure about the spelling of both names yet)
2. Ally Rae (Rae to stand for Reina, that's their great Grandmother's name)
Ally Rai
I'm just hoping their daddy won't fight me too much on the Rae name since it's his Grandmother's and his sister's name. I just think it Rae/Rai fits better than Reina.
(I'm hoping they are both girls, if not I have to come up with a boy name...hmmm, I can still use Ray)
I'm putting a poll up to see what everyone thinks. Don't forget to voice your opinion. Thanks
22 Weeks
Each week that passes makes me happy, I'm getting closer to 40 weeks. I can't believe that I'll see my babies in less than 18 weeks. I'm just hoping to get as close to 40 weeks as possible, I want them to be as healthy as possible.
I'm still wondering if my twins are di/di or mo/di, none of the sonographers nor my OB have mentioned what they are. I will try and remember to ask my OB at my next visit. I'm really happy my OB visits are every two weeks now. I'm not sure if this is standard with all multiple pregnancies, or if it's standard just for mo/di pregnancies. However, it puts my mind more at ease since he administers an ultrasound at each visit.
My next ultrasound visit is on the 24th, so I will also ask the sonographer if they now if the babies are di/di or mo/di. I know at my 12 week ultrasound they only saw one placenta and then at my 16 week ultrasound they said there are two placentas. That's the reason I'm confused about what kind of twins I'm carrying. I know if they are di/di, I don't have to worry about TTTS, but if they are mo/di then there are more complications that can arise. It is reassuring that I'm having more ultrasounds than before.
I'm beginning to feel their movements more now. It's so different from when I carried my other children. I feel Baby A just above my pelvic bone and Baby B is just under my stomach area. I love it!!! Now that I'm not having migraines on a regular basis I'm finally able to enjoy my pregnancy. I know that I will get more uncomfortable the further along I am, but at least (fingers crossed) I hopefully won't have the migraines on top of it. I think the magnesium oxide is working! Yay!!!
I'm still wondering if my twins are di/di or mo/di, none of the sonographers nor my OB have mentioned what they are. I will try and remember to ask my OB at my next visit. I'm really happy my OB visits are every two weeks now. I'm not sure if this is standard with all multiple pregnancies, or if it's standard just for mo/di pregnancies. However, it puts my mind more at ease since he administers an ultrasound at each visit.
My next ultrasound visit is on the 24th, so I will also ask the sonographer if they now if the babies are di/di or mo/di. I know at my 12 week ultrasound they only saw one placenta and then at my 16 week ultrasound they said there are two placentas. That's the reason I'm confused about what kind of twins I'm carrying. I know if they are di/di, I don't have to worry about TTTS, but if they are mo/di then there are more complications that can arise. It is reassuring that I'm having more ultrasounds than before.
I'm beginning to feel their movements more now. It's so different from when I carried my other children. I feel Baby A just above my pelvic bone and Baby B is just under my stomach area. I love it!!! Now that I'm not having migraines on a regular basis I'm finally able to enjoy my pregnancy. I know that I will get more uncomfortable the further along I am, but at least (fingers crossed) I hopefully won't have the migraines on top of it. I think the magnesium oxide is working! Yay!!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
21 Weeks
I'm starting to feel like the time is passing by more quickly now. My doctor visits will be every 2 weeks now. I have an appointment next week already. The after that I have an ultrasound, they are every 4 weeks now.
The holidays are right around the corner, so next year doesn't seem so far away now. I'm in so much pain I can't wait until this half on my pregnancy passes. I am happy that I haven't had a migraine in awhile......yay!!! It must be the magnesium oxide. This week I'm suppose to add another dose, as long as it doesn't irritate my stomach. Thank goodness something seems to be helping.
Today when I went shopping I could hardly walk or should I say waddle! It's the first time I had to use on of those electrical carts to do my shopping. It helped, but once I got off, my butt and hips were hurting bad. Oh well, at least I was able to do the shopping I needed without being in so much pain. I fear now that I will have to send my Mom out to do all my shopping for me since not all of the stores have the electric carts. I feel bad that I have to put so much on my Mom so soon, she's willing to do it for me, but I still feel bad about it.
My next ultrasound is October 24th, first I hope my babies are healthy, next I hope we will find out what Baby B is for sure. I have an OB appointment before then, but he won't look for the gender. That's okay, he looks for the more important things like; sizes, fluid levels etc. I'm always a little nervous just before an ultrasound. I just want them to continue to grow into healthy little babies that will have a healthy start at life. So far they seem to be doing just fine, they look good at every visit.
I've been doing research on my type of twinning. I was under the assumption that my babies are in 2 sacs, 1 chorion sac with one placenta. But, after the last ultrasound when the sonographer told me I have two placentas, I got confused about it. I'm going to make another post on that subject later on. I still believe I'm having identical twins, mainly because it looks like their is only one chorion sac. I know this isn't the most important thing, but I find the subject of twins very fascinating.
The holidays are right around the corner, so next year doesn't seem so far away now. I'm in so much pain I can't wait until this half on my pregnancy passes. I am happy that I haven't had a migraine in awhile......yay!!! It must be the magnesium oxide. This week I'm suppose to add another dose, as long as it doesn't irritate my stomach. Thank goodness something seems to be helping.
Today when I went shopping I could hardly walk or should I say waddle! It's the first time I had to use on of those electrical carts to do my shopping. It helped, but once I got off, my butt and hips were hurting bad. Oh well, at least I was able to do the shopping I needed without being in so much pain. I fear now that I will have to send my Mom out to do all my shopping for me since not all of the stores have the electric carts. I feel bad that I have to put so much on my Mom so soon, she's willing to do it for me, but I still feel bad about it.
My next ultrasound is October 24th, first I hope my babies are healthy, next I hope we will find out what Baby B is for sure. I have an OB appointment before then, but he won't look for the gender. That's okay, he looks for the more important things like; sizes, fluid levels etc. I'm always a little nervous just before an ultrasound. I just want them to continue to grow into healthy little babies that will have a healthy start at life. So far they seem to be doing just fine, they look good at every visit.
I've been doing research on my type of twinning. I was under the assumption that my babies are in 2 sacs, 1 chorion sac with one placenta. But, after the last ultrasound when the sonographer told me I have two placentas, I got confused about it. I'm going to make another post on that subject later on. I still believe I'm having identical twins, mainly because it looks like their is only one chorion sac. I know this isn't the most important thing, but I find the subject of twins very fascinating.
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