I'm 16 weeks today. I've read that between 16 and 20 weeks is the halfway point for twins. So if that's true, I could have my babies in 16 weeks! That's amazing, they will have to grow a lot the second half of my pregnancy.
I had a migraine yesterday and then another one early this morning. I guess I am just going to have to get used to the idea that I will be having migraines during this pregnancy. I was hoping that I was finished with them, but I guess not. They not only hurt, they make me feel awful for at least 24 hours after the onset of a migraine. I'm just hoping I'm not going to have multiple migraines in one day like I did during my 1st trimester. I had horrible migraines when I was pregnant with my daughter, but they didn't start until my last trimester some time and they lasted until she was born. So, I'm hoping they don't start up daily in my 3rd trimester. I've been doing research on pregnancy and migraines, but I haven't been able to find much information on the subject. I just keep suffering through and tell myself they will end after the babies come. I know I will still have migraines because I've suffered with them most of my life. They eased up as I got older, but they are awful while I'm pregnant. But, that hasn't stopped me from getting pregnant again.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
I don't see a lambda sign, do you?
Another Migraine, Of Course......August 30, 2008
Not one week can pass by without having a migraine. But, it beats having them every day. I am glad about that. I just pray I don't get them in my third trimester like I did with my other two children. I'll be 16 weeks tomorrow so I'm getting close to being half the way to my babies birthday. I kinda can't wait, but I know I have to. I know it's best for the babies to stay in long enough to be healthy.
This Wednesday I have my second OB appointment. I'm hoping I will get to see the genders of the babies....woooo....whooo! I'm hoping they will be in a good position to see their gender area.
My ligaments are hurting real bad and it's hard for me to get in and out of my car because it's so low to the ground. I'm hoping to be able to buy a mini van by the time the babies come. No matter what, we will have to get a larger car since we will be a family of six. I'm hoping to that my doctor will sign papers so I can get a disability placard until after the babies are born. It's already getting harder to walk, I wish I had something that would help me get around easier. My doctor told me he would prescribe something for me, but I don't think I want crutches because they would hurt to use. So, I either hurt in my crotch area from my ligaments or hurt my shoulders and arms from the crutches.
I think I will tackle baby names on my next post. I'm having a hard time with choosing names.
This Wednesday I have my second OB appointment. I'm hoping I will get to see the genders of the babies....woooo....whooo! I'm hoping they will be in a good position to see their gender area.
My ligaments are hurting real bad and it's hard for me to get in and out of my car because it's so low to the ground. I'm hoping to be able to buy a mini van by the time the babies come. No matter what, we will have to get a larger car since we will be a family of six. I'm hoping to that my doctor will sign papers so I can get a disability placard until after the babies are born. It's already getting harder to walk, I wish I had something that would help me get around easier. My doctor told me he would prescribe something for me, but I don't think I want crutches because they would hurt to use. So, I either hurt in my crotch area from my ligaments or hurt my shoulders and arms from the crutches.
I think I will tackle baby names on my next post. I'm having a hard time with choosing names.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
15 Weeks....August 24, 2008
I'm at 15 weeks today. I'm still having morning sickness some. I do get nauseas and I still throw up, but not like I did in my first trimester. The other day I had another migraine. It's hard to take care of two kids and be pregnant with migraines. I'm more exhausted with this pregnancy than I was with my other two. I'm hoping the tiredness will pass soon. So far during this pregnancy all I want to do is sleep, I'm even more sleepy after every meal. I know I'm only 1/3 of the way to my due date, but from what I've read, I could be 1/2 way there. I'm just praying I can hold them in until at least 36 weeks.
So far I've felt a few flutters, but no movements yet, just what I thought was movement at 11 weeks. I'm sure it will be soon though.
I'll be having another ultrasound in a week and a half, I can't wait so I can see they are okay. I'll be 16 weeks by then, so maybe my OB will be able to tell me the genders of the babies. Then 3 weeks after that I will have my 19 week ultrasound. If I don't now the genders at this ultrasound at least I'll know by 19 weeks. I can't wait until I find out so I can start buying gender specific items.
So far I've felt a few flutters, but no movements yet, just what I thought was movement at 11 weeks. I'm sure it will be soon though.
I'll be having another ultrasound in a week and a half, I can't wait so I can see they are okay. I'll be 16 weeks by then, so maybe my OB will be able to tell me the genders of the babies. Then 3 weeks after that I will have my 19 week ultrasound. If I don't now the genders at this ultrasound at least I'll know by 19 weeks. I can't wait until I find out so I can start buying gender specific items.
Facts about Twins, Fraternal vs. Identical....August 24, 2008
~Fraternal vs. Identical~
Hopefully, most parents have a good understanding of where babies come from.
But what about twins?
Do you know why you are expecting or have had twins?
Was it is surprise? Did you have fertility treatments? Does it run in the family?
That last one is a common question when people discover that you are expecting twins.
Does it run in the family?
Expecting parents often become indifferent to that question after being asked it the first 40-50 times, but after you actually have your twins and you discover how much work it is, you start thinking about it again.
Do twins run in the family? If so, then those family members are partly responsible and should come on over and help out!
The other big question you get is 'are they identical or fraternal twins?' And answering this question can help you answer the other one about the genetics of twin births.
In general, it is believed that having fraternal (dizygotic) twins can be genetic and that this predisposition can cause women to be more likely to release more than one egg at a time, offering the chance for more than one egg to be fertilized at a time. Other factors that can increase your chances of having fraternal twins include using fertility treatments and a mother being over 35-40 years old when she becomes pregnant.
The chance of having identical (monozygotic) twins is usually not thought to be genetic.
Although it is possible to do genetic testing to determine if you have had identical or fraternal twins, you can sometimes tell by the pattern of development of the placenta(s) and its inner (amnion) and outer (chorion) membranes.
~Fraternal Twins~
~Fraternal twins are the result when two different eggs (ova) are fertilized by two different sperm. This leads to the development of two separate placentas, each with its own chorion
and amnion.
~Fraternal twins are more common than identical twins and account for about 2/3 of twin pregnancies.
~Identical Twins~
~Identical twins develop when a fertilized egg splits. Depending on when the split occurs will determine if the twins share a placenta, with either one or two chorions and amnions, or if they each develop their own placentas. In general, the later the split occurs, the more likely that the twins will share one placenta.
~Fraternal vs. Identical Twinning~
~Even after they are born, it is sometimes difficult to know whether twins are identical or fraternal. It can be easier if they:
~share one placenta (identical)
~are different sexes (fraternal)
~have different blood types (fraternal)
It is harder to know if they are the same sex, have the same blood type, or if there are two placentas, since they could then be either fraternal or identical twins.
Don't be fooled by a fused placenta (fraternal twins), which can look like it is just one placenta, or if the twins don't look alike. Sometimes, factors during the pregnancy, especially twin to twin transfusion syndrome, can lead to identical twins that have very different birth weights and are mistakenly thought to be fraternal. And sometimes, fraternal twins can look enough alike to be confused with identical twins.
If you or your doctors aren't sure of the zygosity of your twins, you can consider having DNA testing done.
~Higher Order Multiples~
The same factors occur with higher order multiples, with either multiple eggs being fertilized or one or more fertilized eggs splitting.
For example, in the case of triplets, you could have:
~three separate eggs being released and fertilized by three different sperms (fraternal triplets)
~two separate eggs being released, with one splitting after it is fertilized (2 of the triplets will be identical and the other fraternal)
~the last type is the most rare, with one egg being released and splitting three times after it is fertilized (identical triplets)
Hopefully, most parents have a good understanding of where babies come from.
But what about twins?
Do you know why you are expecting or have had twins?
Was it is surprise? Did you have fertility treatments? Does it run in the family?
That last one is a common question when people discover that you are expecting twins.
Does it run in the family?
Expecting parents often become indifferent to that question after being asked it the first 40-50 times, but after you actually have your twins and you discover how much work it is, you start thinking about it again.
Do twins run in the family? If so, then those family members are partly responsible and should come on over and help out!
The other big question you get is 'are they identical or fraternal twins?' And answering this question can help you answer the other one about the genetics of twin births.
In general, it is believed that having fraternal (dizygotic) twins can be genetic and that this predisposition can cause women to be more likely to release more than one egg at a time, offering the chance for more than one egg to be fertilized at a time. Other factors that can increase your chances of having fraternal twins include using fertility treatments and a mother being over 35-40 years old when she becomes pregnant.
The chance of having identical (monozygotic) twins is usually not thought to be genetic.
Although it is possible to do genetic testing to determine if you have had identical or fraternal twins, you can sometimes tell by the pattern of development of the placenta(s) and its inner (amnion) and outer (chorion) membranes.
~Fraternal Twins~
~Fraternal twins are the result when two different eggs (ova) are fertilized by two different sperm. This leads to the development of two separate placentas, each with its own chorion
and amnion.
~Fraternal twins are more common than identical twins and account for about 2/3 of twin pregnancies.
~Identical Twins~
~Identical twins develop when a fertilized egg splits. Depending on when the split occurs will determine if the twins share a placenta, with either one or two chorions and amnions, or if they each develop their own placentas. In general, the later the split occurs, the more likely that the twins will share one placenta.
~Fraternal vs. Identical Twinning~
~Even after they are born, it is sometimes difficult to know whether twins are identical or fraternal. It can be easier if they:
~share one placenta (identical)
~are different sexes (fraternal)
~have different blood types (fraternal)
It is harder to know if they are the same sex, have the same blood type, or if there are two placentas, since they could then be either fraternal or identical twins.
Don't be fooled by a fused placenta (fraternal twins), which can look like it is just one placenta, or if the twins don't look alike. Sometimes, factors during the pregnancy, especially twin to twin transfusion syndrome, can lead to identical twins that have very different birth weights and are mistakenly thought to be fraternal. And sometimes, fraternal twins can look enough alike to be confused with identical twins.
If you or your doctors aren't sure of the zygosity of your twins, you can consider having DNA testing done.
~Higher Order Multiples~
The same factors occur with higher order multiples, with either multiple eggs being fertilized or one or more fertilized eggs splitting.
For example, in the case of triplets, you could have:
~three separate eggs being released and fertilized by three different sperms (fraternal triplets)
~two separate eggs being released, with one splitting after it is fertilized (2 of the triplets will be identical and the other fraternal)
~the last type is the most rare, with one egg being released and splitting three times after it is fertilized (identical triplets)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Another Migraine.....August 21, 2008
I don't know why I got another migraine today. I haven't been getting them very much, but when I do, I'm laid up for at least the day. I've been able to handle them better though. I just wonder if it's the medicine (nephedipine). Whatever it is, I'm glad it's working.
On a more positive note...just to let everyone know, I have a strong feeling I'm carrying identical twins. I've been doing a lot of reading on the subject of identical twins and from my ultrasound and the ones I've seen of other identical twins, it sure looks like mine must be identical. One placenta and two sacs with a very thin membrane between the two babies. Everything I've been reading says that the membrane between identical twins is very, very thin. During my ultrasounds I could hardly see the membrane at all at times, and other times during the ultrasounds, I could just see parts of the membrane.
I see my OB in less than two weeks, so he may be able to tell me what the gender of my babies are. I don't know if I'm in such a big hurry maybe because I want to know what to buy for, boys, girls, or boy and girl.
I know they need time to grow and develop, but I can't wait to see them already.
On a more positive note...just to let everyone know, I have a strong feeling I'm carrying identical twins. I've been doing a lot of reading on the subject of identical twins and from my ultrasound and the ones I've seen of other identical twins, it sure looks like mine must be identical. One placenta and two sacs with a very thin membrane between the two babies. Everything I've been reading says that the membrane between identical twins is very, very thin. During my ultrasounds I could hardly see the membrane at all at times, and other times during the ultrasounds, I could just see parts of the membrane.
I see my OB in less than two weeks, so he may be able to tell me what the gender of my babies are. I don't know if I'm in such a big hurry maybe because I want to know what to buy for, boys, girls, or boy and girl.
I know they need time to grow and develop, but I can't wait to see them already.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
14 Weeks.......August 17, 2008
This pregnancy seems to be going by soooo slooooow. I'm finally 14 weeks, it's only been 9 weeks since I found out I'm pregnant and only 4 weeks since I found out I'm pregnant with twins. I've been having some nausea and a little vomiting, but not too bad. My next ultrasound is scheduled for September 24th, I believe this will be my level 2 ultrasound. My next OB appointment is in 2 weeks, and I think he will do another ultrasound at that time. I will be 16 weeks, so I'm hoping he will be able to tell me the gender of the babies.
I wish time would fly now, it's just taking forever. I want to at least get to the 24 week mark. I've read the survival rate is much high after that. I'm hoping I make it past 36 weeks before I deliver, the longer the better for the babies. I know I will be a bit nervous about taking home such tiny babies (that's if they are tiny). I'll have help from family, but it will be different with two babies.
When I was giving birth to my first child, I pulled a ligament in my groin area. I don't know what the area is called, but it's where my leg meets the groin. Anyway, after he was born I was on bed rest for 4 weeks, I couldn't walk it was so painful. Then with my second child it hurt during my pregnancy, but after I gave birth I was okay. Now with this pregnancy the pain has already begun, it started more than 2 weeks ago and it hurts really bad at times. I realize that it will get worse because I will be getting a lot bigger and there is going to be more pressure. I don't look forward to that. My OB told me he would prescribe anything (crutches etc) I need to help me....I like this doctor!
Do I dare say it? I haven't had a migraine for almost 2 weeks. What a relief, I just hope they don't come back. I was in such pain I don't know how I made it through those 3 weeks without going crazy. I'm just trying to focus on how to prepare for two babies. I was gearing up for one baby and then....all of a sudden I have to prepare for two. It's going to be a hard road. Not just for me, but for my whole family. I worry about being able to give enough attention to my older kids while not neglecting the babies. I know I can do it, I will just have to have a lot of patients.
My OB told me to plan on a lot of bed rest after about 22 weeks...that's only 8 weeks from now. How will I ever get things ready if I'm always in bed? I know that I have to do it so I will have healthy babies.
I wish time would fly now, it's just taking forever. I want to at least get to the 24 week mark. I've read the survival rate is much high after that. I'm hoping I make it past 36 weeks before I deliver, the longer the better for the babies. I know I will be a bit nervous about taking home such tiny babies (that's if they are tiny). I'll have help from family, but it will be different with two babies.
When I was giving birth to my first child, I pulled a ligament in my groin area. I don't know what the area is called, but it's where my leg meets the groin. Anyway, after he was born I was on bed rest for 4 weeks, I couldn't walk it was so painful. Then with my second child it hurt during my pregnancy, but after I gave birth I was okay. Now with this pregnancy the pain has already begun, it started more than 2 weeks ago and it hurts really bad at times. I realize that it will get worse because I will be getting a lot bigger and there is going to be more pressure. I don't look forward to that. My OB told me he would prescribe anything (crutches etc) I need to help me....I like this doctor!
Do I dare say it? I haven't had a migraine for almost 2 weeks. What a relief, I just hope they don't come back. I was in such pain I don't know how I made it through those 3 weeks without going crazy. I'm just trying to focus on how to prepare for two babies. I was gearing up for one baby and then....all of a sudden I have to prepare for two. It's going to be a hard road. Not just for me, but for my whole family. I worry about being able to give enough attention to my older kids while not neglecting the babies. I know I can do it, I will just have to have a lot of patients.
My OB told me to plan on a lot of bed rest after about 22 weeks...that's only 8 weeks from now. How will I ever get things ready if I'm always in bed? I know that I have to do it so I will have healthy babies.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Is it twins? 10 Signs That You're Having Twins/Multiples
This is a list of symptoms that made me feel I was carrying twins.
My list of my symptoms of being pregnant with twins:
1. Morning sickness at five weeks was very severe and intense
2. Migraines starting at 5 weeks and lasting 3 weeks straight (1-2 times per day)
3. Extremely tender breasts
3. Extremely Tired
5. Exhausted
6. Constantly hungry
7. Last but not least....I had a stong gut feeling I was carrying two babies
And a few more symptoms that may indicate twins/multiples:
1. Weight gain earlier in pregnancy
2. Feeling movement earlier than expected
3. Family history of twins (only on the expectant mother's side of the family)
Remember everyone and every pregnancy is different.
For more information check out some of these sites:
My list of my symptoms of being pregnant with twins:
1. Morning sickness at five weeks was very severe and intense
2. Migraines starting at 5 weeks and lasting 3 weeks straight (1-2 times per day)
3. Extremely tender breasts
3. Extremely Tired
5. Exhausted
6. Constantly hungry
7. Last but not least....I had a stong gut feeling I was carrying two babies
And a few more symptoms that may indicate twins/multiples:
1. Weight gain earlier in pregnancy
2. Feeling movement earlier than expected
3. Family history of twins (only on the expectant mother's side of the family)
Remember everyone and every pregnancy is different.
For more information check out some of these sites:
Monday, August 11, 2008
13 Weeks on August 10, 2008
I'm in my second trimester...YAY!
I had another migraine last week. It happened the day before my second ultrasound. I woke up with a migraine and felt sick all day long. I'm glad I felt better the next day for my ultrasound, I was so looking forward to that.
I'm praying that the migraines are over for this pregnancy. I'm just hoping they don't come back at the end of my pregnancy. I know that being pregnant with twins can come with more ails than with a singleton pregnancy, so I don't need to have migraines on top of everything else. I'm already hurting in my pelvic region, I know it will be getting worse. I'm still so tired all the time, I hope that doesn't last my whole pregnancy.
I had another migraine last week. It happened the day before my second ultrasound. I woke up with a migraine and felt sick all day long. I'm glad I felt better the next day for my ultrasound, I was so looking forward to that.
I'm praying that the migraines are over for this pregnancy. I'm just hoping they don't come back at the end of my pregnancy. I know that being pregnant with twins can come with more ails than with a singleton pregnancy, so I don't need to have migraines on top of everything else. I'm already hurting in my pelvic region, I know it will be getting worse. I'm still so tired all the time, I hope that doesn't last my whole pregnancy.
Friday, August 8, 2008
I had my 2nd Sonogram (August 6, 2008)

I had my second ultrasound the day before yesterday. We now know that there are only two babies in there, at least that's what the sonographer said. The babies are growing as they should. I found out during the ultrasound that there is only one placenta, but the babies are in their own sacs. So, what does that mean? It could mean that they are identical, but it also could mean they are not identical. Very confusing! Either way, I think my pregnancy just stepped up to a higher risk one. I pray the little babies develop at an even rate.
We asked the sonographer if he could see the gender of the babies, but he said he wouldn't want to try and predict what they are at this time. He said he didn't want to make a mistake, so he makes it a practice not to find out this early in a pregnancy (12 weeks, 4 days). We just wanted a little preview, but he wouldn't do it. Maybe with the next ultrasound, which isn't scheduled for another 7 weeks, I'll be 19 and a half weeks along by then. We did have some nice views of the babies. Baby A, looked like it was waving to us and Baby B looked like it had the hiccups. We could see their hearts beating as plain as day. Baby A's heart rate was 165 and Baby B's heart rate was 161...I'm thinking girls, but the sonographer said that you can't tell by the heart rate this early on. He said that later on, when it's closer to delivery time, then the heart rate is different in boys and girls, girls being the faster one. Everyone is placing bets as to the genders and if they are fraternal or identical. For myself, I want a boy and a girl, but if they are identical I would say boys, but I'm just praying for healthy babies.
August 7, 2008
1st Official Doctor's Visit
I had my first Doctor's visit today. He told me my ultrasound looked good and he also talked about what to expect during my pregnancy. I'm not looking forward to the bed rest he said I will have to get plenty of after 22 to 24 weeks. He didn't seem to be concerned that there is only one placenta, I guess because they are growing at an even rate. I have another appointment with him in four weeks, maybe I will get another ultrasound. He said to expect ultrasound every 4 weeks. I've been reading a lot about TTTS (Twin To Twin Transfusion) I pray my babies won't develop this, it scares me. I found a great website on the subject with a lot of helpful information; http://www.tttsfoundation.org/
This is a bit of what I found out on the subject of Twins To Twins Tranfusion Syndrome:
Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS) is a disease of the placenta (or afterbirth) that affects identical twin pregnancies.
-TTTS affects identical twins (or higher multiple gestations) who share a common monochorionic placenta.
-The shared placenta contains abnormal blood vessels which connect the umbilical cord and circulations of the twins.
-The common placenta may also be shared unequally by the twins
-The events in pregnancy that lead to TTTS are all random.
-TTTS is not hereditary or genetic, nor caused by anything the parents did or did not do.
-TTTS can happen to anyone.
I can't wait until my next appointment so I can be reassured that everything is still going well with my babies.
We asked the sonographer if he could see the gender of the babies, but he said he wouldn't want to try and predict what they are at this time. He said he didn't want to make a mistake, so he makes it a practice not to find out this early in a pregnancy (12 weeks, 4 days). We just wanted a little preview, but he wouldn't do it. Maybe with the next ultrasound, which isn't scheduled for another 7 weeks, I'll be 19 and a half weeks along by then. We did have some nice views of the babies. Baby A, looked like it was waving to us and Baby B looked like it had the hiccups. We could see their hearts beating as plain as day. Baby A's heart rate was 165 and Baby B's heart rate was 161...I'm thinking girls, but the sonographer said that you can't tell by the heart rate this early on. He said that later on, when it's closer to delivery time, then the heart rate is different in boys and girls, girls being the faster one. Everyone is placing bets as to the genders and if they are fraternal or identical. For myself, I want a boy and a girl, but if they are identical I would say boys, but I'm just praying for healthy babies.
August 7, 2008
1st Official Doctor's Visit
I had my first Doctor's visit today. He told me my ultrasound looked good and he also talked about what to expect during my pregnancy. I'm not looking forward to the bed rest he said I will have to get plenty of after 22 to 24 weeks. He didn't seem to be concerned that there is only one placenta, I guess because they are growing at an even rate. I have another appointment with him in four weeks, maybe I will get another ultrasound. He said to expect ultrasound every 4 weeks. I've been reading a lot about TTTS (Twin To Twin Transfusion) I pray my babies won't develop this, it scares me. I found a great website on the subject with a lot of helpful information; http://www.tttsfoundation.org/
This is a bit of what I found out on the subject of Twins To Twins Tranfusion Syndrome:
Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS) is a disease of the placenta (or afterbirth) that affects identical twin pregnancies.
-TTTS affects identical twins (or higher multiple gestations) who share a common monochorionic placenta.
-The shared placenta contains abnormal blood vessels which connect the umbilical cord and circulations of the twins.
-The common placenta may also be shared unequally by the twins
-The events in pregnancy that lead to TTTS are all random.
-TTTS is not hereditary or genetic, nor caused by anything the parents did or did not do.
-TTTS can happen to anyone.
I can't wait until my next appointment so I can be reassured that everything is still going well with my babies.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Another Migraine......August 5, 2008
Today I had another migraine and had to take some vicodin and reglan suppository. My migraine was accompanied by vomiting as usual. I was hoping I wouldn't have anymore migraines for the rest of my pregnancy. Now I'm sure it won't be my last one. I think the nephedipine is helping because I'm able to tolorate the migraines more than I had before taking it.
I'm getting closer to my 2nd trimester and I'm looking forward to it. I hope my morning sickness will go away soon. I'm not sure how different my morning sickness will be this time, since I'm carrying twins.
Tomorrow is my 2nd utrasound. I can't wait to see that the babies are doing well. I'm just over 12 weeks now and I feel like I've only just begun. I'm only about a 3rd of the way there. I can't wait to get to at least 24 weeks, I think I would feel a little more reassured about their wellbeing.
I'm getting closer to my 2nd trimester and I'm looking forward to it. I hope my morning sickness will go away soon. I'm not sure how different my morning sickness will be this time, since I'm carrying twins.
Tomorrow is my 2nd utrasound. I can't wait to see that the babies are doing well. I'm just over 12 weeks now and I feel like I've only just begun. I'm only about a 3rd of the way there. I can't wait to get to at least 24 weeks, I think I would feel a little more reassured about their wellbeing.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
A Good Day
Today was a good day, but I can tell I am very emotional, I seem to get upset about everything lately, I cry easily. I'm always hungry and very tired all the time. I don't really eat a lot at one time, but I eat more often.
Last night I had brown bloody discharge. It worried me at first, but then I realized what it was. All is okay today.
I'm almost through my first trimester, I can't wait to pass this critical part of my pregnancy. Today I am 12 weeks pregnant and this Wednesday I will go in for my anatomy sonogram. I'm praying all is well with my babies. I've been reading way too much online about twin pregnancies. The one that bothers me the most is the "vanishing twin". I want both of my babies, and I want them to be healthy babies. I think sometimes it does more harm than good when we read too much online. There is useful information online, I just don't like to read the bad things, but I can't help what I accidentally stumble on to.
I had my first ultrasound when I was 10 weeks pregnant, that's also when I found out I'm carrying twins. It was a shock to see two babies, but mostly because I had such a strong feeling I was carrying twins and the ultrasound confirmed it. So, I had that "I knew it" sort of shock. I pray they both grow to healthy size babies before I give birth. I know we will know more about them after this ultrasound, whether they are in two sacs or one, and possibly if they are identical. Of course I pray they are healthy.
Last night I had brown bloody discharge. It worried me at first, but then I realized what it was. All is okay today.
I'm almost through my first trimester, I can't wait to pass this critical part of my pregnancy. Today I am 12 weeks pregnant and this Wednesday I will go in for my anatomy sonogram. I'm praying all is well with my babies. I've been reading way too much online about twin pregnancies. The one that bothers me the most is the "vanishing twin". I want both of my babies, and I want them to be healthy babies. I think sometimes it does more harm than good when we read too much online. There is useful information online, I just don't like to read the bad things, but I can't help what I accidentally stumble on to.
I had my first ultrasound when I was 10 weeks pregnant, that's also when I found out I'm carrying twins. It was a shock to see two babies, but mostly because I had such a strong feeling I was carrying twins and the ultrasound confirmed it. So, I had that "I knew it" sort of shock. I pray they both grow to healthy size babies before I give birth. I know we will know more about them after this ultrasound, whether they are in two sacs or one, and possibly if they are identical. Of course I pray they are healthy.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Another Migraine, First One In Four Weeks
The other morning (July 30th) I had my first migraine in four weeks. When I went to bed I had a terrible neck ache, so I took vicodin and slept most of the night. I woke up around 6 a.m. with a migraine. Of course my migraine was accompanied by nausea and vomiting. I stayed in bed for most of the day, getting up occassionally to eat and throw up.
In the evening I stilll didn't feel well, I felt warm, so I just went to bed early. The next morning I felt better, but I didn't really get up until mid-morning.
Tomorrow I will be 12 weeks pregnant and on thursday (August 6th) I will go for my 2nd ultrasound. This one will be a fetal anotomy exam. I am excited about being able to see the babies again. I keep looking online for websites with gestational fetal growth charts. I want to see how my babies are changing from week to week. I've found a few sites where I can see what I'm looking for, but most of them focus on singleton births. I want to find websites that only focus on twins and mulitiple births.
I wonder if anyone pregnant with twins had an ultrasound at 12 weeks (and 3 days) and was able to see the gender of their babies. Also, if they could see the gender, and if the sonographer was correct about what they saw. If my upcoming sonogram is an anatomy exam, will they be looking for gender? This is all new to me, so I don't really know what to expect. I am excited and can't wait to see what I'm having. I want to go shopping so badly, but I want to wait until we know what we are having. We kept looking at the chinese gender calendars, but they were all so conflicting. Some calendars said, boy and some said girl, this made us laugh and say, they must be twins, a boy and a girl. I think it will be a boy and a girl, that's what I really want, but their daddy wants them to be boys, our son wants boys and our daughter wants girls...go figure. Of course we want two healthy babies no matter what they are.
In the evening I stilll didn't feel well, I felt warm, so I just went to bed early. The next morning I felt better, but I didn't really get up until mid-morning.
Tomorrow I will be 12 weeks pregnant and on thursday (August 6th) I will go for my 2nd ultrasound. This one will be a fetal anotomy exam. I am excited about being able to see the babies again. I keep looking online for websites with gestational fetal growth charts. I want to see how my babies are changing from week to week. I've found a few sites where I can see what I'm looking for, but most of them focus on singleton births. I want to find websites that only focus on twins and mulitiple births.
I wonder if anyone pregnant with twins had an ultrasound at 12 weeks (and 3 days) and was able to see the gender of their babies. Also, if they could see the gender, and if the sonographer was correct about what they saw. If my upcoming sonogram is an anatomy exam, will they be looking for gender? This is all new to me, so I don't really know what to expect. I am excited and can't wait to see what I'm having. I want to go shopping so badly, but I want to wait until we know what we are having. We kept looking at the chinese gender calendars, but they were all so conflicting. Some calendars said, boy and some said girl, this made us laugh and say, they must be twins, a boy and a girl. I think it will be a boy and a girl, that's what I really want, but their daddy wants them to be boys, our son wants boys and our daughter wants girls...go figure. Of course we want two healthy babies no matter what they are.
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